Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Best Is Yet To Be

"However good or bad the situation is, it's not going to last forever."

I have a love-hate feeling about this caption. On one hand, it kinda suck that whatever good that I'm enjoying now will cease one day but on the other hand, it gives hope that whatever rough patch that I'm going through now will come to an end sooner or later. 

In recent days, I've been having the same wake up call over and over again - to wait upon the Lord and to trust that He knows best. I find myself reminding my impatient self to be still and just embrace the present. I'm learning to refrain from complaining or wondering about how my life is right now. It's really tough especially when others are seen to be moving forward with their lives the way the world expects but I myself is somehow falling behind. But I choose to see this as my portion that God has for me and to believe that He's definitely not shortchanging me in any way at all. He is Almighty and I'm His beloved :) 

It is my prayer that I will be faithful and obedient to Him every day, to bring glory and honour to His Name. Things are really getting worse in this world but I pray that people will still be able to see His greatness. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Every now and then, I'm faced with disappointments that just crush me inside out. And it's just happening way too often now. I know fully well that when things don't go my way, it's God allowing me to go through them in order to learn and grow, but I really hate it. So much that it doesn't seem to be ending anywhere, heartaches after heartaches. I have learnt to stop asking why because seriously who am I to ask the King of Kings why my life isn't turning out how I expected it to be. I couldn't hate the social media more right now, seeing the beautiful things in people's lives and comparing it with my own. I often asked why can't I have normal? Envy and bitterness cloud my mind and affect me a whole lot. It hurts so much and so often that the feeling is slowly and sadly becoming familiar. Despicably, my life isn't that bad at all. In fact, I ought to be more thankful than this for all the great things that God has blessed me with over the years. But now I truly understand that money can't buy everything and there is so much more to life than all the material things and possessions that we can obtain through a little hard work. I wonder every day if my life now is how it is supposed to be. Should I choose a different route or should I carry on this path and meet every possible roadblock there is? I'm really losing it.

I choose to believe that He knows what's best for me but it is such a challenge. I want to trust Him and wait upon Him. I want to know His heart and His plans for me. And I hope my eyes will open and see them soon.

He will not let your foot slip - 
He who watches over you will not slumber.
Psalm 121:3

Monday, March 03, 2014


February has come and gone. It was an incredible month, I would say :)

For starters, CNY was pretty awesome although it was one of the more quiet ones in recent years. Had quite a lot of fun with the cuz, especially the slow-mo vids we did, and they had so much fun laughing at yours truly. Hmph. Haha Other than that, we managed to visit some relatives in KL too! 
Really appreciate spending time like this :)

Teos united! 
Got our custom-made Zhang Jia tees! :D

Visited relatives at KL :)

Then came the week-long birthday celebration! I actually celebrated till I fell sick, think I had too much good food and fun! :p But I'm really touched and blessed by those around me who generously showed their love, be it by a simple message or sharing a yummylicious feast! Not forgetting the pressies and bday cards which have been almost extinct in this era, quite sad actually. That's why I super appreciate hand-written notes and cards :)) Thank you for making turning 27 such an awesome occasion! Heehee 

 The early Italian feast!
Thanks, peeps! :)

First time celebrating bday at a kopitiam! Awesomeeeee

With the other two February babies! 

And another Italian feast! 
So blessed :):)

 Last but definitely not the least,
I want to thank God for the 2 most important people in my life,
Pa & Mummy :)
Thank you for extending your stay in Melaka just to celebrate my birthday with me. I thank God for both your unfailing love to me each and every day even when we're miles apart. Your constant support, encouragement and prayers have played the biggest part in all aspects of my life.
I love you, both! 

Your love never fails,
It never gives up,
It never runs out on me.

Monday, January 13, 2014


3 girls, 1 guy - that's what it stands for :)

Andrew, Rebecca, Elvi and I have known one another since cf days but we weren't exactly close. Well, except for Andrew and Reb who dated and eventually got married :) I've always been closer to Elvi's sisters, Andrew has always been my fellow bandmate and Reb was one of the paddlepoppers. 

Through serving together in CCC and hanging out frequently, we got closer and just got really comfortable with one another. It came to a point where we could just share anything under the sun and just be transparent about our lives. I guess we grew to trust each other, with no fear of being judged or misunderstood. 

I appreciate that we are all different and that we are able to accept and complement one another. I pray that God will continue to use us together to fulfil His plans and be a blessing to those around us.

It has only just begun... ;)


Sunday, January 05, 2014

The New Year

Happy New Year!

The first week of January 2014 is coming to an end and it has been somewhat fulfilling. Firstly, work was just 2 days so it certainly was awesome. haha Other than that, it's always wonderful to have Pa and Mummy staying with me, showering me with love and pampering me throughout the day.

Earlier this week, I welcomed the new year at Drewbecca's place. They had a bbq party just among the cousins and invited Elvi, Shi Wei and I. It was really fun! The cousins were really friendly and we had a good time of laughter :) Elvi and I slept over too and we stayed up till about 5am! :D

Within this week also I watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty twice! The first time was with Nicole and Claire, and second was with Styne and Elvi. Personally, I really liked the movie. I thought that whoever who loves photography would really appreciate the scenes with such breathtaking sights. I have never seen any other movies more beautiful than this! Also, the story itself is an inspiration. It certainly is a motivator for YOLO (you only live once) motto in life. I really hope that this year I will be able to see the world more than ever. Praying that financial needs will be met and that timing would be favourable :)

Emotionally, I have been feeling thirsty. I keep wanting more out of everybody around me. And I myself keep wanting to give more. But somehow, the circumstances of life obstruct and I get frustrated. I want to draw strength and wisdom from Him and pray that I do not burn out fast. I trust that as I have this longing to give more out of my life, I know He will sustain. Looking forward to a good year ahead!

You will know that God's power
is very great for us who believe.
Eph 1:19