Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Best Is Yet To Be

"However good or bad the situation is, it's not going to last forever."

I have a love-hate feeling about this caption. On one hand, it kinda suck that whatever good that I'm enjoying now will cease one day but on the other hand, it gives hope that whatever rough patch that I'm going through now will come to an end sooner or later. 

In recent days, I've been having the same wake up call over and over again - to wait upon the Lord and to trust that He knows best. I find myself reminding my impatient self to be still and just embrace the present. I'm learning to refrain from complaining or wondering about how my life is right now. It's really tough especially when others are seen to be moving forward with their lives the way the world expects but I myself is somehow falling behind. But I choose to see this as my portion that God has for me and to believe that He's definitely not shortchanging me in any way at all. He is Almighty and I'm His beloved :) 

It is my prayer that I will be faithful and obedient to Him every day, to bring glory and honour to His Name. Things are really getting worse in this world but I pray that people will still be able to see His greatness. 

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